Ahhh Wednesday!
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
I'm so sad about Joyce. Such a vibrant woman! So exuberant. I can't believe she's gone. My thoughts go out to John.
My mind wants to go to the Y; my body isn't cooperating. I am so fatigued today. I got up and started falling asleep while I was drinking my coffee ... really! I tried doing my taxes and got frustrated when it said I owed. I shouldn't be owing money ... I don't make that much. So now Richard is trying to do them for me.
Richard made a wonderful dinner last night of crab alfredo. Oh yum, it was great. I was going to make a salad but napped before dinner and didn't get it done. So I'll do that next time I have the crab alfredo. We have lots left.
We do have to go to Walmart today to get his meds so eventually I'll get dressed. But I am not doing much. I'm so tired.
Anyway, I'm draggin' ... I could use a nap. I've had a whole pot of coffee and I'm still sleepy. Have a good day.
Hello Eileen...Taxes...ugh...I hope Richard can find your mistake and then you will get a refund.
That crab alfredo sounds so good. It is nice that you will have leftovers. YUM!!
I hope you had a nap and feel more rested now. Is it Fibro fog or a reaction to a medication? Who knows right!!
Hope you had fun at Walmart. I haven't been to one in a long time. I like just sitting and people watching!!
Have a nice evening...love and hugs.....connie d
Yeah, Connie, Richard did my taxes on TurboTax and found me a big refund ... plus when I added my medical expenses, I got a bigger refund. So I filed today. In between, we went out to lunch at IHOP, my treat for Richard doing my taxes. Then to Walmart, just to pick up his meds, then to Sam's for a couple of things I wanted (cocoa almonds ... then I found light bulbs really cheap, too). When I came home, my landlord was here with his new handyman, talking about fixing the ceiling. They were working on the ho****er heater ... supposedly, the people upstairs had it turned up to maximum. No wonder it blew.
Hello Carla and all my sistas!
I only have a minute to post today. We are doubling up Butch's radiation treatments today. We already had one this morning, and we'll go back for a second one this afternoon. This is so we can squeeze all 10 in by the end of this week. Otherwise, we would have to make the trip back next Monday for the last one.
I just want to say that I am so sorry to hear about the death of one of our sistas. Even though I don't remember ever meeting her, she was obviously well loved by everyone on this board. The ties we form here run fast and deep. We are truly a family.
I am going to Michael's here in a minute to look for some yarn and a pattern for the next baby blanket. I did finish the one for Baby Addison last night, but I still haven't got all those little ends worked in! Bleh! I'll get that done soon and then post a picture. Today I'm looking for some pretty yellow yarn. Butch's favorite color is yellow, and John Juan is his pal. I told Butch, "you pick the color and I'll make it", so he picked yellow.
I am such a dope! I was looking through my suitcase this morning to find something to wear, and I discovered that I packed FOUR pairs of pants, but not enough tops! I must have been really tired when I was packing last Sunday. So I stopped the MDA gift shop and bought yet another MDA tee shirt. LOL! I'm going to have one in every color before this is all said and done.
One of Butch's cousins just had surgery at MDA on Monday. OMG. The dentist discovered a spot on his tongue. Come to find out he had cancer of the tongue and they removed 40% of his tongue and all his lymph nodes in his neck! I tell you, tobacco is the work of the devil! I HATE cigarettes!
Oh! But I did get Butch to drink/eat a little better yesterday. Progress. And he had a chocolate "shake" for his breakfast today. I stopped and bought him several flavors of Glucerna shakes plus some vanilla and chocolate ice cream yesterday. I make a semi-milkshake using just a bit of the real ice cream with the Glucerna, and he takes it down pretty good.
BUT--I have been convicted about my own bad eating habits since yesterday. When I went to Dr. Garth's office to buy my Pro Joe, I stepped on the scale. Holy cow! I did NOT like the number I saw there! What the hell am I doing to myself??? I woke up determined to do better today. I am not going to eat any more cookies, candy, donuts, sweet rolls, etc. I have been "indulging" in these things WAY too often here lately, using Butch's illness as an excuse. Same old same old. NO MORE. Today I am eating fruits and veggies and lean protein. I simply cannot let myself go back to my old eating patterns and regain all the weight I lost. I won't do that. I won't let that be the "legacy" of my husband's illness. I don't know why I always turn to food and especially sweets in times of stress, but I guess it really doesn't matter WHY. What matters is that I am aware of it and take steps to NOT DO IT! Y'all are going to have to hold me accountable, you hear? I will not let this happen to me again.
Well, I'd better get out there and brave the noon traffic if I'm going to Michaels. Hope I can find something pretty!
Love you all!
Hello Vickie....two radiation treatments in one day...WOW! I don't blame you for not wanting to come back on Monday. If they are safe to do it this way, why not!
I am happy to hear Butch is eating better. I am glad you got the Glucerna and things for him. That will help a lot!
I am going to start back to basics myself. Enough of this garbage I don't need anymore!! I am so much heavier then I should be. It is awful!!! I am doing the same things as you...I eat sweets like crazy. It is like an addiction, and not one I want to keep! I need to get down right nasty to myself...NO MORE JUNK!!!
A yellow blanket will be so pretty...good choice Butch!!! I am sure his friend will appreciate your kindness!
Packing...LOL...it can be crazy!!! I have learned that I have to put outfits together and then pack them. Last time I packed I forgot panties and bras...good grief!! Had to go buy them! I am sure the MDA t-shirts are nice...you can we a walking billboard for them!!
I am so sorry Butch's cousin ended up with tongue cancer. That must me awful to heal from. SMOKING is a death trap!! I am sending prayers for him. People just won't take this smoking seriously.
Sending prayers for you and Butch....also praying your daughters take smoking more seriously. I love you!!!
Lots of love and many hugs....connie d
Good morning/afternoon Carla and everyone.....
I have been praying for John and their family. This is still such a shock. I can still see Joyce in that costume with all the fruit on her head. She looked great!!! What a great sense of humor!
When I saw Judy's post last night I felt just ill. I had to take my meds and go to sleep. I feel bad I never replied to anyone, but I know you understand. I was way overloaded from some other issues and this was the breaking point.
I went to my doctor appointment. She is wonderful. We went over every lab report together, one item at a time. Everything is exactly where it should be. The only thing was my glucose, it was up a tiny bit, barely above where it should be. She said, she isn't concerned about that little bit. Overall she said my labs were GREAT!! We went over all my pain issues and discussed that in detail. We switched some things around and stopped another medication. She and I feel my weight has some issues to do with some of the pain....by far not all of it! We will be working on that!! She is starting me on a new eating plan.Back to basics!! I must lose all this weight I gained!! Since I started eating meals here I have gained another 20 pounds!! I know the meals are not right for a bariatic person. Too much pasta, potatoes (mostly deep fried) , potato salads, pasta salads. Too much red meat. The chicken and fish are deep fried or fried in a pan. Pork and beef are always in gravies. We have good soup but is always rich and creamy. Grilled sandwiches, ham, Reuben's and lots of cheese!! I could go on but you get the idea! This girl has to do this!!! I tried to get her to agree that I don't need my walker all the time....she said NO. I need to be able to walk longer stretches and not feel light headed, my balance is still off but improve since she took me off one of my meds at our last visit. She doesn't want to rush anything. I see her again in 6 weeks.
My homemaker is here and we need to run some errands. I can't seem to get Pam to help me often enough.
Wishing everyone a good day!!!
Prayers for our sweet OFF family and their families.
Loads of love and many hugs to all....connie d
Good Afternoon Carla and OFF Gang,
I'm sorry to hear Joyce has passed away. I do not remember her, but she sounds like she was a sweetie. We just never know when the Lord is going to call us home.
I have been busy today. I was at the dentist first thing this morning. I have an extensive, and expensive, treatment plan, which is going to take me at least a year and a half.
I came home and paid most of my bills, and washed a sink full of dishes. It's amazing how fast my check disappeared. I'm in trouble if Congress cuts my Disability check. I guess I better find that part time job I was looking for. First, I have to find my transcripts and the form to apply for a social work license here in Michigan.
Now, I am getting ready to go to church for the children's program. I'm so glad I volunteered for that. I just love those kids, especially my two Munchkins and their cousins.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Trish.....busy busy lady!!
That must be a lot of dental work for to take that long...OUCH!! I went last week...all was good!!
Hope tonight is a lot of fun with the children's program!! I know how much you love children!!!!
I agree....never seems to be much money left to buy the things we really want!!
Love and hugs to you....connie d